Guys, it seems that there are two types of men out there. There are those who wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and…want to head directly back to bed. And then there are those of you who JUMP out of bed in the morning, look in the mirror and take up the grooming challenge as the way to start a great day!
So, guys, regardless of whether you are a jump-up or drag-up type, here are some good tips for how to “get your groom on”!
Start out with the obvious:
- Wash your face in the morning – nothing feels better than cleaning away the sleepiness from a drowsy face, right?
- Shower daily – whether you like a nice warm shower before bed or need that invigorating splash in the morning, daily washing is imperative.
- Brush your teeth twice a day – and be sure to clean your tongue daily with your TUNG Brush and Gel. Remember too – if your mouth tastes bad, it probably smells bad too!
- Wear deodorant every day – whether you work out or not, most of us do need to protect those pits from normal perspiration.
- With that said – don’t overdo it on the cologne or aftershave! Pleasant, not over-powering, is the name of the game.
But by all means, don’t forget:
- Exfoliate your face every night – not only will that morning wash feel better, but your shave will be so much smoother too!
- No one likes a unibrow – invest in a good pair of tweezers and keep your brows as a pair, not one!
- Trim your nose and ear hairs regularly – enough said, right?
- Keep your beard trimmed – scraggly is out, neat (regardless of length) is in!
- Get your hair cut regularly – same as #9 – oh, and should you shave your head, bald is beautiful, but stubbly is not! Keep it smooth!
Be sure to invest in good grooming tools as well, guys – the better the tweezers, scissors, clippers, razors and trimmers, the better the result. Remember, too, that moisturizer and skin care products are not just for the ladies anymore – your skin takes a beating too, so why not check out the many fine skin care products made just for men?
At the end of the day, it isn’t too difficult to “get your groom on” and become one of those “greet the day with gusto guys” if you aren’t one already!