In speaking to a friend recently he was examining his leadership skills as it pertains to a small group he conducts at his house every week. He said, “No one comes regularly and they don’t talk or contribute when they do show up. In this day and time people, more than...
How do you discover your uniqueness? If you talk to any documentarian they’ll tell you that they look for stories that are interesting and compelling. EVERYONE has an interesting and compelling story! When I’m sitting with a person in a Starbucks or having dinner with...
Is optimism a gift or a choice? So here’s the question. Is optimism a choice or a gift that some people are just born with? First of all let’s look at the definition of optimism. OPTIMISM: Hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of...
How can better be an adventure you ask? Well it requires a few things that relate to the concept of adventure. I’ll submit to you that it requires truth, risk and effort. First, the truth has to be revealed before being better can take place. For example you have to...