by Team TUNG Brush | Feb 22, 2019 | Tongue Cleaner
You get to your seat on the plane, and you realize that the person next to you kind of smells bad. Or you get home from the gym and your significant other points you to the shower. Or maybe your friend comes to that morning class or meeting and sits down next to you...
by Team TUNG Brush | Feb 18, 2019 | Tongue Cleaner
For those of you who feel like you may be in a rut, or just plain bored, or blah, or seeking an adventure maybe the answer will be to plan a trip! Whether is it across the river, across the country or across the world, whether you travel by plane, train, automobile or...
by Team TUNG Brush | Feb 8, 2019 | Holidays, Tongue Cleaner
In just under a week, over 50 million pounds of chocolate will be given and received in celebration of Valentine’s Day! Somehow, along with flowers, particularly red roses, chocolate candies in heart-shaped boxes are the #1 gift that most expect on this day that...
by Team TUNG Brush | Feb 5, 2019 | Be Your Adventure, Self Improvement, TUNG Brush, tung brush and gel
We here at TUNG are excited to share with you a new initiative we’ve been planning for some time now, and today we finally get to share it with YOU! We mentioned in a blog post a few weeks ago that adventure can be an antidote to depression, stress,...
by Team TUNG Brush | Feb 1, 2019 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
There are many older adults who can relate to this: “I don’t understand. I brush my teeth, I clean my tongue every day, I floss, I drink lots of water…why have I lost some of my teeth? And some more of them are loose? What in the world is going on? After all, I don’t...
by Team TUNG Brush | Jan 28, 2019 | Tongue Cleaner
It’s Friday afternoon, you have had a tough week at work and your co-workers invite you to join them for happy hour before you head home for the weekend. Perhaps you and friends are just going out to dinner, and the restaurant is serving two-for-one happy hour...
by Team TUNG Brush | Jan 19, 2019 | Tongue Cleaner
Well isn’t that a silly question? Why is just this coming Monday “Blue Monday”? Aren’t ALL Mondays blue? After all, Monday signifies the end of the weekend and the return to school or work for most of us. And why does “blue” mean sad or unhappy? Blue is my favorite...
by Team TUNG Brush | Jan 12, 2019 | Healthy Recipes, Tongue Cleaner
What’s for dinner? You know that this is one of the first questions every child asks his/her mom or dad immediately upon getting home from school. Or, it could be what you ask yourself after a long day at the office. For some of us, the evenings have a distinctive...
by Team TUNG Brush | Jan 8, 2019 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
It’s a new year! Time to evaluate the past year, what went right, what went wrong, where things happened, good or bad, that you could control or what happened that was beyond your control. Rather than make “resolutions” that may or may not last, how about thinking...
by Team TUNG Brush | Dec 24, 2018 | Holidays
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! 🤶🏻 ❄️❤️ ☃️🎅🏻 Well, usually, but not necessarily always. While shopping, baking, parties, and decorating are loads of fun, they can also create a...