by Team TUNG Brush | Feb 15, 2021 | Bad Breath, Health Tips, TUNG Brush
When you get sick, your body can produce odors, including bad breath Not only is it the nastiness coming out of your nose and mouth and but also the level of activity your immune system is experiencing. Think about how tired you feel when suffering from an illness....
by Team TUNG Brush | Apr 26, 2019 | Health Tips, Healthy Recipes, Tongue Cleaner
When we are hungry, the natural instinct is to pile the food on our plates and eat a lot to feel full. Needless to say, although quantity might fill the void, it is not the healthy way to satisfy our hunger pangs. Choosing healthier, but filling, foods is a better...
by Team TUNG Brush | Apr 16, 2019 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
Taking risks. No, we don’t mean jumping out of an airplane at 10,000 feet without a parachute or climbing a mountain without safety gear. We are talking about getting out of your comfort zone and about facing challenges that can improve your life, help you be better!...
by Team TUNG Brush | Apr 12, 2019 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
When you were little, it might have been considered cute to stick your tongue out at that overly affectionate, cheek-pinching aunt. But now when you stick your tongue out, it is not only considered rude (unless your aunt still pinches your cheek 😉) but you...
by Team TUNG Brush | Apr 2, 2019 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
We have spent a lot of time telling you about the foods that contribute to bad breath, and how you can fight their effects by brushing your teeth and cleaning your tongue regularly. But did you know that there are actually foods that HELP fight bad breath? Fruits and...
by Team TUNG Brush | Mar 26, 2019 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
Spring has sprung! While a lot of us may still be feeling the chill of the last (hopefully the last) days of winter, it is time to look forward to budding flowers, singing birds, longer days…and spring cleaning! This doesn’t just mean changing the batteries on your...