by Team TUNG Brush | Sep 30, 2016 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
Do you do what you really love? Have you ever felt that your passion could not become your reality or that a long-time goal was unreachable? Most of us have the fear of failure or the lack of self-confidence deep within our psyches, which is why so many of us don’t...
by Team TUNG Brush | Sep 15, 2016 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
Remember when you were little and your mom told you to stop biting your nails? She probably wanted you to stop because your little hands were dirty and she thought you were contaminating your mouth with everything you contacted during the day – after all, like most...
by Team TUNG Brush | Sep 9, 2016 | Gum Disease, Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
As most women know, men are the last humans on earth to be willing to submit to any health examinations. In fact, many wives have said that if their husbands tell them they need to see a doctor the wives can safely assume that the men are knocking on death’s door....
by Team TUNG Brush | Aug 19, 2016 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
As your child starts school this month, remember that although every school has a zero tolerance policy for bullying, that doesn’t prevent the act from taking place and your child from being hurt physically or emotionally. You can help. Be prepared and prepare your...
by Team TUNG Brush | Aug 12, 2016 | Gum Disease, Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
Whether ‘tis nobler to use a little string to clean between your teeth or not – ay, there’s the rub. Recently there has been a new study that suggests flossing your teeth, in addition to brushing (and, of course, using your TUNG Brush and Gel), is not a necessary part...
by Team TUNG Brush | Aug 5, 2016 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
It may be hard to believe, but summer is winding down and the school year has either already started or is just about to! It is time to get your kids ready, and that usually entails shopping for supplies, new clothes and, above all, working on their attitudes! Getting...