by Team TUNG Brush | Jul 14, 2017 | Health Tips, tongue brush, tongue brushing, Tongue Cleaner
We have talked several times about the benefits of Ayurvedic/mindful living in terms of diet, meditation, exercise and the like. But there are some very simple steps you can take each and every day that will benefit you, even without knowing your dosha (remember, the...
by Team TUNG Brush | Jun 2, 2017 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
It’s that time of year when school is out, the sun is bright and you are ready for that vacation you have been looking forward to all year long! You say to yourself “I am SO READY to go on vacation”, but are you? And what kind of vacation do you need? Restful?...
by Team TUNG Brush | May 26, 2017 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
Memorial Day Weekend is the unofficial beginning of summer for many of us. Of course, summer doesn’t technically start until the Summer Solstice on June 21, but even now we are all getting ready for barbecues, family outings and for many, camp or vacations. And that...
by Team TUNG Brush | May 19, 2017 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
In keeping with our quest for wellness, the TUNG Brush and Gel team has learned even more about the teachings of Ayurveda that are fascinating and relevant! Learning from the Ancients Ayurvedic teachings included the examination of the tongue as a way to the...
by Team TUNG Brush | May 12, 2017 | Health Tips
Hopefully by now you may have considered looking into some of the basic philosophies of Ayurveda to take on a healthier lifestyle. While we know that you probably aren’t changing every aspect of your life practices yet, one of the most important tenets of this...
by Team TUNG Brush | Apr 28, 2017 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
Sounds intriguing and kind of rolls off the (clean, of course 😊) tongue, right? “Ayurveda”- But what is it? Developed 5,000 years ago in India, Ayurvedic Medicine (Ayurveda for short) is a system of holistic healing based on the beliefs that the balance of...