by Team TUNG Brush | Sep 2, 2016 | Tongue Cleaner
Did you ever just HEAR a word and get that ‘yuck” sensation? It is amazing how just the sound of certain words can make us queasy. Sometimes they conjure up an image, sometimes a scent, often a bodily function or habit – but the power of words to repel us,...
by Team TUNG Brush | Aug 26, 2016 | Tongue Cleaner
Do you BRUX? During the day or at night? No, bruxism isn’t a new type of meditation or exercise, but, rather, the technical name for grinding teeth. You may unconsciously clench your teeth together during the day, or clench or grind them at night (sleep bruxism). If...
by Team TUNG Brush | Aug 19, 2016 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
As your child starts school this month, remember that although every school has a zero tolerance policy for bullying, that doesn’t prevent the act from taking place and your child from being hurt physically or emotionally. You can help. Be prepared and prepare your...
by Team TUNG Brush | Aug 12, 2016 | Gum Disease, Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
Whether ‘tis nobler to use a little string to clean between your teeth or not – ay, there’s the rub. Recently there has been a new study that suggests flossing your teeth, in addition to brushing (and, of course, using your TUNG Brush and Gel), is not a necessary part...
by Team TUNG Brush | Aug 5, 2016 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
It may be hard to believe, but summer is winding down and the school year has either already started or is just about to! It is time to get your kids ready, and that usually entails shopping for supplies, new clothes and, above all, working on their attitudes! Getting...
by Team TUNG Brush | Jul 30, 2016 | Health Tips, Tongue Cleaner
In these days of texting, computers, social media, video games and apps, we sometimes lose sight of the fact that we haven’t gotten up and exercised our bodies nearly as much as we are stimulating our brains. Sometimes, using our brains becomes exhausting! And then,...