Pregnancy Mouth: What to Do About It

Congratulations! You are having a baby! The joys of motherhood are about to be yours, but first you learn all about pregnancy: what to do and what not to do, what to eat and what not to eat, what to avoid in terms of habits, what vitamins to take, and how to take care...

Do You Suffer From Halitophobia?

You are at a party and across the room you see that “perfect someone!” You want to approach him or her, but dare not!  “OH NO? What if my breath smells bad???” While this might be a perfectly normal though process for most of us, there is actually a group of people...

Sugar Wars: Episode II

May the “floss” be with you! When we last met, we introduced you to our favorite dental droid, 2min2X-10, whose mission it is to help dentists, moms and dads be sure their patients and children are keeping good oral hygiene habits. His goal is to help remind kids that...

Sugar Wars: Episode I

May the “floss” be with you! Did you know that February is National Children’s Dental Health Month?  It is time for dentists, moms and dads, and dental droid—2min2X-10, to make sure that children engage in great oral hygiene because the habits children start will...

Can Bad Breath be Cured?

Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a cure for those bad breath bacteria so you would never have to worry about a stinky mouth ever again? Sadly, there is no cure for bad breath, just ways to put it in remission. The bacteria that cause bad breath are always there and...

Burning Tongue Syndrome: Stop the Fire!

Got milk? Water? ANYTHING to get my tongue from burning up? Sometimes, an overly dry or irritated tongue can become so sensitive that you would swear it is on fire. This condition is real, and is called Burning Tongue Syndrome and as we age it tends to occur more...