How to Feel Confident at Christmas Parties

There is nothing like an invitation to a holiday party where you won’t know everyone to make you feel more like a middle school nerd than an adult. Your hands start to sweat, you don’t know what to wear or say, you are worried about what people will think of you and...

The Twelve Days of Fresh Christmas Breath

On the First Day of Christmas, my true love said to me – “Your breath is bad so a kiss you’ll never see!” Uh Oh!– What can I do to freshen my breath without chemicals so I can get that Christmas kiss? Here are twelve natural and easy ideas for...

How to Beat Dry Mouth

Did you ever get the feeling that your tongue is sticking to your teeth or gums?  That no matter what you do, your mouth feels drier than if you had sucked on sand? Well, this is a phenomenon called “dry mouth” and while there are many causes for it, there are some...